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1.  The night before, make sure you have everything set out or packed. You will need:

Tights - clean with no rips
Skates, of course!
Dress/outfit (and a spare dress)
Two copies of your music (one to hand in and a back up copy)
Spare laces (correct size for your skates)
Your schedule and driving directions (if you have never been there before)
Guards and soakers (blade covers)
A warm-up jacket and matching (or black) gloves
Hairspray, a brush, some scrunchies, clips, bobby pins and all other hair items you will need
A few snacks and water bottles
Money to buy souvenirs, if wanted
A favourite stuffed animal or item
Homework if you are missing school
Small sewing kit with pins
Screwdriver (to tighten up screws on your skates)
Contact information for your Coach - cell phone number, email

2.  Once you have everything packed, take a warm bath and get dressed in your favourite, most comfortable pajamas. Go to sleep a little earlier than usual, especially if you are skating in the morning.

3.  Eat a small healthy breakfast of proteins and carbohydrates, and don’t eat too much.

4.  Arrive at the rink at least one and a half hours before you warm up.

Register, get ready, then relax until you have practice ice or your group warm up.
Check and remember your skating order.
Check in with your coach so that she can let you know when to start warming up and when to put on your skates (at least one flight before you skate).

5. Around 30 minutes before you go on, depending on what you need to do, start getting ready. Use the restroom, spray on some extra hairspray, touch up makeup - whatever you need to do and this is a good time to start stretching

6. Before you go on the ice, do what makes you feel best. Hold your favourite stuffed item if you brought one, visualize yourself skating a clean program, practice your program on the ground, talk to your coach, jump around to get rid of the jitters; whatever makes you feel good is fine as long as it is not disruptive to other skaters. Remember to take off your warm up jacket and gloves and take deep breaths. Believe that you are going to have a great skate - a positive attitude helps.

7. Make the most of any practice time you get. Don’t spend it talking to other skaters, or working on moves that aren’t in your program, especially risky ones. Run through your program as much as you can. Remember to look up and smile.

8. Skate your best! Look up and smile like you practiced, and don’t feel rushed. Do all of your elements as best as you can and be proud of yourself, no matter what place you take.

9. Remember to pick up your report card and award afterwards if you get one, and take a group picture if it is required.

10. Send a picture of your report card to your Coach.

11. Pick up your music at the registration table.